Pizza Tower: The Old Remixes
A downloadable Level Pack
For the AFOM version, go here: Pizza Tower: The Classic Remixes [Pizza Tower] [Works In Progress] (
Pizza Tower: The Old Remixes is for the old PT Level Editor which can be easily found here: Classic Pizza Tower Level Editor V4.5 by Groovenschmoov (
I'll also list, if the level is finished, whether or not it is possible on PTO (Pizza Tower Online) if you really wanted to play on that. Just remember the BG triggers are buggy, so if the bg doesnt load after its meant to change, walk into the trigger again and it should load
Just putting this out there, this level pack was not made for Pogo Noise! So some levels may be impossible with him.
The levels are remixes of old levels. Many levels from PTTCR are going to be remade in PTTOR!
There will be:
Many levels
Powerups in levels where they aren't used
The Bonus Remixes DLC Pack
And probably more I can think of
No longer keeping track on what is next! With all the levels now, that will be impossible for my little brain :I It will still tell you if they are done with these symbols
X = No
NX = Not Started
XX = On Hold
I = Partially Completed (About half way to completion)
II = Basically Completed (Completable, but has missing tiles and/or objects)
C = Completed (Nothing is missing at all)
Story: Peppino had just finished destroying the remix tower. He went back to his pizza place and, for destroying the tower, he got into his blood red clothes. After getting dressed, he found a time machine in the middle. Questioning why its here, he goes in it.
When Peppino time travelled, he noticed he was in Pizza Run. Pizza Run was before the Pizza Tower was fully constructed. Peppino realized he had more moves to use when he tumbled. Peppino also realized this was around the time when he met the, now missing, Snick The Porcupine. So Peppino decided it was probably the remix tower back in the older days, so he decided to destroy the Remix Tower once more, but in the past. This is where the game starts.
Tumble: Play the demos.
Tumble (Air): Be able to get a little bit more height than normal
ExtendedGrab: grabbing and jumping just at the end gives a longer grab just in case.
New 'Abilities' will go here
Pizza Tower: The Old Remixes:
Pizza Run (PTTOR) C
Entrance I
Medieval OG C PTO Compatible --> Remaster: NX
Ancient (Ruin Ed.) I
Dark Dungeon XX
Desert NX
Dead Place NX
Forest XX
Battlefield NX
Beach XX
Exit NX
Please post anything like bugs (and sections that need a little bit of work (OTHER THAN TILING) in the comments
Questions you probably have:
Q: When will this come out?
A: When I'm done
Q: When will the Bonus Remixes come out?
A: When it's done, after the full release
Q: Where is Medieval.EXE?
A: The DLC
A: Because it fits in there more. It would be weird to have a Winter/Christmas level in the DLC, but have a Halloween Level in the main game. Also, I'm the Scrouge but for Halloween.
Q: Why is it built in the old editor and not CATWEBS or even CYOP like Pizza Run Legacy Edition?
A: Because its called THE OLD REMIXES, not THE NEW REMIXES. Just go play TCR if you want CATWEBS. The level editor is old, so it makes sense. Trust the process.
Q: How long will it take to complete all levels one after the other?
A: I'll casually time myself and don't stop playing so I can go insane just to answer this question. For real though, hopefully over an hour with the DLC combined casually!
Q: Tell me your personal details!
A: No. That's not even a question, that's a demand! And I'm not dumb either
Q: [insert rickroll link to pretend you have a leaked build]
A: Your comment gets deleted when I notice it. Please don't do this! It's annoying and can make people upset that they fell for your trick (mainly little kids called Timmy). I got a solution though! Use the Itch app. You can see any videos in comments in a thumbnail preview! Problem solved
Q: Can I steal this?
A: If you want a base to use to make your own levels, then go on. But maybe use something like UTMT to look it the files of the game and use that as inspiration. I understand if these levels aren't the best to use. Just a tip though!
Q: I am unable to stretch my solids though
A: You need to use the blue square that is in either the right or left corner. It is usually on the right unless you invert the solid by stretching it the other way! If the square isn't there, click off the solid then back on. DONT HOLD RIGHT CLICK IF YOU WANT TO RESIZE ANYTHING!!!
Q: What version of the editor does this run in?
A: 4.5 Normal. The pack isn't made for the "modded texture" one. Mansion Tiles over Medieval Tiles, different Dungeon Tiles etc.
Q: Where will the DLC be found?
A: On a seperate page below the QnA! No Demos though. Did you know the page is up now though, so go check it out for its contents!
Q: What is Pizza Horror?
A: Better Medieval.EXE
Q: Since Pizza Horror is in DLC, can you bring back Medieval.EXE to base game?
A: No, otherwise I would have to put Light Dungeon in base game and I don't want it being to long or too short, so the levels in right now are fine!
Hopefully, I answered all your questions for this Level Pack. If your interested, look back after a few days or follow me! You may find an update!
The Bonus Remixes DLC Pack (PTTOR): Planned Release Date: Unknown
Updated | 29 days ago |
Status | In development |
Category | Game mod |
Author | SimplyNoah |
Average session | A few hours |
Languages | English |
Inputs | Keyboard, Mouse, Xbox controller, Gamepad (any), Playstation controller |
Install instructions
Download and extract
Go to you local appdata (either type %localappdata% into file explorers top bar or windows + R and type %localappdata%)
Find PizzaTower_GM2 in local (if it isn't there, you gotta install either Sage 2019 or Old Level Editor build)
click on it and then levels (if it isnt there, you need to install the 4.5 version of the old editor found in the description)
Paste the ptlv file in
Development log
- New Project related to Pizza Tower29 days ago
- DEMO 2.0!!!36 days ago
- Somethings new!36 days ago
- Where is all this stuff coming from?!? STOP!37 days ago
- Major Announcement!39 days ago
- Even more Updates41 days ago
- More News57 days ago
- News92 days ago
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